Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nicki Minaj Instagrammed Two Overwhelming Photos Of Her Butt, And We Have Feelings About This


We’re pret-teh, pret-teh, pret-teh familiar with butt selfies over here at The Nicki Minaj Center For The Magnificent Derrière Arts (N.M.C.M.D.A.). But nothing — not even her shower photo show and tell — could prepare us for this backside selfie the “Lookin’ Ass” rapper posted on Instagram, captioned: “5 more lbs to go.”
HANG UP THE ROTARY PHONE, FELICIA. We have approximately infinityamounts of photographic evidence that Nicki is PERFECT whatever her weight or size is (*cough* yoga bikini shoot *cough*). There is NO need to lose weight, bb!
Dat ass.

That said, we’d like to thank Nicki for contributing yet another addition to the N.M.C.M.D.A.’s vast collection of her gorgeous behind — and for referencing her “Dance A$$ (Remix)” collab with Big Sean in the “Cuz it’s finally famous” caption — because we will NEVER tire of the Queen Barb’s butt selfies.
Honestly, we just hope that Nicki doesn’t get too extreme with losing weight or anything. The loss of that booty mass would truly be the entire world’s loss.

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