Saturday, November 9, 2013

Noah Cyrus ... weird new hair cut !


First Miley... and now her sister.
Noah, Noah, Noah... with the beautiful hairs you owned.. why you did such a drastically change?
Miley Cyrus isn’t the only Cyrus sister having a lot of fun changing her hairdo. Younger sister Noah just shared photos and video of her new look — and it’s a wild one!

The 13-year-old follows in her big sister’s footsteps when it comes to shocking style: She shaved the hair off of one side of her head.

It’s a bold look, for sure, but if the video she posted on Instagram yesterday (Nov. 7) shows us anything, Noah wasn’t feeling so bold as she was going half bald! She has a mini freak-out, but wisely avoids moving her head as the razor does its work:

The young actress is just like big sis Miley in another way as well, as she too has a thing for selfies! She posted several pictures of her new ‘do on Instagram.
This one had the caption, “I’ve never been perfect, but neither have you”:

There may be a reason she’s not looking happy in a couple of the pics. Some of her half-million followers reacted in a variety of ways — and they weren’t always nice, as Noah’s pleading comment on another photo shows us: “Everyone please stop hating on me. Im my own person I can do whatever I want. Please stop being so mean. Do you think I enjoy reading comments tell me im ugly and I’m trying to be someone in not when im only being myself. I can’t believe the words people are saying to me right now. Please I beg of you just stop.”
You heard the girl, Internet. If you can’t say something nice …

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