Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Selena Gomez's NEW BOYFRIEND !

Justin Bieber should be jealous of new Selena Gomez's Boyfriend 

 Ah, there's nothing like moving on from a troublesome ex by upgrading. That's what Selena Gomez has apparently done when she gave pot lovin' bad boy Justin Bieber the final ax and hooked up with cutie pie British boy bander George Shelley, who reportedly spent the night with the sultry singer not too long ago.
George, 20, who is part of the up-and-coming boy band Union J, looks like Justin five years ago -- before his downfall into lame antics like spitting on fans and peeing in buckets. SelGo even flew her new hottie to her concert in Portugal -- allegedly. No doubt this rumored affair will kill two birds with one stone: Make George Shelley even more famous, and make Justin Bieber delirious with jealousy. Way to go, girl. So just who is Selena's new love interest? If you're under 14, you probably already know. But if not, here are six things to know about George Shelley.

- George has had a crush on Selena for quite some time, telling Sugarscape only a few months ago: "I’ve got an undying crush on her." Apparently, the feeling was mutual, as Selena then supposedly sent him a "sexy video message" inviting him to her concert. Sheesh, these kids. Does no one just call these days?
- George is romantic. He told another media outlet that his perfect date with Selena would be having a "little bonfire" on the beach. Does this kid blab too much or what? Good thing he's cute.
- George wasn't always famous. He used to work in a coffee shop before finding fame on the British version of the X Factor. His band is now pretty successful and is touring much of the world. Look out, Justin!
- George looks kind of like Harry Styles. All that hair!
- Apparently George and Selena started their affaire de coeur the way most kids do these days -- by text messaging. And judging by this retweet of his, perhaps waiting for Selena's riposte is more than he can bear: "After sending a risky text, one minute seems like an eternity."
-According to Twitter, George likes cartoons, strawberry milkshakes, and monkeys. Oh no. Sounds like Selena might be babysitting him rather than dating him. And let's hope he likes monkeys more than Justin Bieber.
Do you think they make a cute couple?

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