Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Prrr .. best Kitties of two talented girls !

Katy Perry & Ke$ha

Pop stars like Katy Perry & Kesha are fierce, so it’s no surprise that their feline friends are just as awesome. Both singers have shared pics of their pets, and we can’t get enough of them! Whose has the cuter cat?
Katy Perry is open about her obsession with cats. From her MEOW! perfume to her ‘ROAR’ music video, the singer is all about the furry creatures. Given Katy’s sense of humor, it’s no surprise that she chose to name her cat ‘Kitty Purry.’ We love it!

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Kesha, on the other hand, just adopted her cat! The ‘Die Young’ singer posted pics of the feline on Instagram, asking for fans to recommend names. As Kesha points out, the fluffy white cat resembles a lion, especially when she was proudly laying on a white bedspread. It’s clear Kesha has a good heart — saved the cat after it spend eight months in a cage. Awww.
spend eight months in a cage. Awww.

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