Saturday, September 28, 2013

10 Healthy Snack Ideas

Hummus with pita bread and vegetables
Eating healthy is an important part of maintaining a balanced and productive life, but with all of the different snacks that are on the shelves of the supermarket, it may be better to make your own snacks. There are many alternatives to chips, candy bars and cookies that are just as delicious, but a lot healthier. Below are 10 healthy snack ideas that are easy to find. They are great alternatives, and easy to pack as well.
1. Hummus and Raw Vegetables - You will easily be able to find a hummus dip that contains lots of important nutrients and vitamins. The raw vegetables match perfectly with the hummus, and will add onto the fiber and vitamin intake.
2. Celery with Peanut Butter - Simple snacks like celery with peanut butter on them are extremely delicious. They contain a lot of fiber, and nutrients that will keep you energized throughout the day. They are easy to make and even easier to pack.
3. Rice Crackers - Rather than indulging in cookies, rice crackers have a lot more nutrients, but can taste just as delicious. Those who have a craving for cookies should try out rice crackers instead. They pack less calories, and are known to have more fiber and nutrients in them.
4. Fresh Fruit - Although the most mundane of all of the ideas, fresh fruit is always delicious, especially when the fruit is in season and ripe. Look for fruit in a supermarket, and grab one before you leave the door. It’s healthy, and definitely a great alternative.
5. Dried Fruit - Those who don’t want to deal with fresh fruit will find dried fruit to be a great alternative although it packs a bit more sugar. They have a lot of fiber, taste and nutrients within them. Depending on the fruit, some pack a lot of vitamins as well. Trail mix is generally easily attainable at stores, and has a lot of different selections within the mix.
6. Granola Bars - You can buy them everywhere. Not only they taste good, they do not contain much fat and usually don’t have more than 200 calories.
7. Banana Bread, and Other Loafs - Depending on where you purchase these baked goods, there are many bakeries that use organic ingredients and less oil during the baking process. It’s a great alternative that is also filling.
8. Yogurt - Yogurt has a lot of different bacteria in it designed to help with digestion. It’s a great alternative to many other snacks, and comes in a selection of different flavors and sizes. Some yogurts have added calcium and nutrients within them.
9. Smoothies - There are many different types of smoothies that are able to provide consumers with the nutrients that they need while still being scrumptious. Generally speaking, when looking for smoothies, find a store that uses natural ingredients and lots of fruits. The more fruits that are inside the cup the better.
10. Crackers with Dips - Rather than hummus with vegetables, there are many different types of crackers that are made with whole wheat and grains. Not only are they delicious, but they are taste even better when matched with dips like ranch or honey.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How To Be a Sex Symbol

Así entrena una sex symbol

Los 10 ejercicios básicos para moldear tu cuerpo con efectividad. Si ellas pueden, ¡tú puedes!

Preparadas, listas ¡ya! Olvídate de operación bikini o de estar lista solo para el verano. Las superwomen no dejan nada para el último momento porque su gran mérito es la constancia, la paciencia y la fuerza de voluntad. Entrenan con frecuencia (un mínimo de 3 veces por semana), cuidan su alimentación a diario y no esperan milagros.

Para ser una de ellas te traemos una rutina de training de 10 ejercicios básicos que te ayudarán a moldear y mantener tu cuerpo en forma. Antes de comenzar con la parte 'física' de nuestro entrenamiento ten en cuenta nuestros 10 consejos para ejercitar también la parte 'mental':

1. Sé constante: ningún ejercicio ni dieta funcionarán como es debido si no mantienes una buena regularidad. Haz esta tabla 2, 3, 4 o todos los días a la semana que quieras, pero mantén una frecuencia que puedas combinar con tu estilo de vida y manténla, o tus esfuerzos no servirán de nada.

2. Sé paciente: ¿pensabas que en la primera semana notarías ya grandes diferencias? Date un mínimo de 3 semanas para empezar a notar la tonificación y la pérdida de volumen.

3. Trabaja en equipo: cualquier ejercicio que hagas funcionará si lo combinas con una alimentación sana. No esperes milagros si después de hacer la tabla que te proponemos te comes un menú completo de fast food.

4. Ponte objetivos razonables: ¿tienes una talla 40 y pretendes caber en la 34 en un mes? Sé realista y alégrate de cada pequeño logro, así evitarás la frustración al no haber alcanzado el peso perfecto en 2 sesiones.

5. Ten fuerza de voluntad: seguramente que te lo pasarías mucho mejor de compras, en el cine o en cualquier restaurante. Pero el ejercicio es necesario, aunque solo sea por una cuestión de salud. Tómatelo en serio y haz este pequeño esfuerzo que, a la larga, merecerá la pena.

6. No te tomes esta rutina como un tratamiento de choque: más bien como un tratamiento a largo plazo. Incorpórala a tu vida y no dejes de practicarla, aumentando las repeticiones y la dificultad a medida que vayas mejorando. ¡Esa es la clave del mantenimiento!

7. No hagas sobreesfuerzos: no te llevan a ningún sitio y te pueden provocar una lesión. Hacer cientos de sentadillas no te harán tonificar más rápidamente sino que puede ser perjudicial. Sé consciente de tus límites y ten muy claro cuándo has de parar.

8. Cárgate de energía: si empiezas la tabla con las pilas bien cargadas la harás de una manera más eficiente. Consume alimentos inteligentes que te llenan de energía como frutos secos o un plátano. No empieces una sesión con el estómago vacío o nada más haber comido.

9. Quítate la vergüenza: ¿cómo que no quieres ir a correr al parque por si te ve alguien? ¿Y qué es eso de no hacer abdominales en el salón de tu casa delante de tu chico? Los prejuicios los tienes tú en tu cabeza, cada vez hay más gente que entrena en lugares públicos o que utiliza su propia casa para estar en forma.

10. La música no solo amansa a las fieras: hazte una lista de reproducción con tus canciones preferidas, las que más te hagan bailar, las que te despiertan en cuanto oyes los primeros acordes y te suben las pulsaciones. Una banda sonora acorde hará tu rutina de entrenamiento mucho más llevadera y, sí, ¡efectiva!

Ejercicio cardiovascular:
Empieza y termina cada rutina con trabajo cardiovascular. Puede ser una carrera suave, bicicleta estática, de paseo, elíptica o un paseo a buen paso. Hazlo en función de tus capacidades: si estás en muy baja forma empieza con 10 minutos para calentar y finaliza con 5. Si tienes mejor base física hazlo con 20-10. Es muy importante esta fase porque no solo te ayuda a subir pulsaciones y hace trabajar a tu corazón sino que es la base para empezar a quemar grasas. 

Fortalecimiento de piernas
Empieza de pie, y lanza una pierna hacia delante dejando la rodilla en ángulo recto, mientras que la pierna trasera se queda a pocos centímetros del suelo, sin tocarlo. Vuelve a la posición inicial y hazlo con el lado contrario. Repite un mínimo de 5 veces con cada lado. Con este ejercicio fortalecerás las piernas en general, pero los glúteos y los cuádriceps en particular. Haz 3 series con un mínimo de 5 repeticiones con cada pierna.

Superserie de brazos
Una serie muy completa para los brazos que consta de 3 mini-series de 15 repeticiones; las superseries las debes repetir 3 veces, estirando y descansando entre ellas. Solo necesitas unas mancuernas de un mínimo de un kilo y medio. Comienza con los bíceps, levantando las pesas con los dos brazos a la vez en dirección al pecho. Después sigue con los hombros, levantando las pesas sobre tu cabeza y los brazos abiertos formando un ángulo recto con los codos. Termina con tríceps, manteniendo las pesas arriba y bajándolas por detrás de la cabeza manteniendo los codos bien pegados a la cabeza.

El secreto para un trasero firme y sin grasa tiene un nombre tan humilde como 'sentadillas'. Para hacerlas bien, debes bajar la cadera como si te fueras a sentar en una silla; al flexionar la rodilla, ésta nunca debe sobrepasar al tobillo, así evitaremos lesiones. Mantén la espalda lo más recta posible. Haz 3 series de 15 repeticiones que deberás ir aumentando a medida que va mejorando tu forma física.


Puede que estas flexiones requieran mucho esfuerzo pero sus beneficios son múltiples: fortaleces el pecho, los hombros y el abdomen con cada movimiento, además de que ayudan a subir las pulsaciones. ¡Merecen la pena! Apoya las rodillas en el suelo y separa los brazos un palmo más de la anchura de tus hombros; el tronco debe estar recto y el abdomen bien apretado. Empieza a subir y bajar dejando tu frente a pocos centímetros del suelo. Intenta empezar con 3 series de 10 y luego ve aumentando. ¡En seguida notarás la mejora!

Elevación de cadera
Utiliza una silla o cualquier otra base estable para apoyar los talones como en la imagen. Con la espalda bien pegada al suelo, levanta la cadera hasta dejar el tronco recto en el aire. Haz 3 series de 15 repeticiones. Este ejercicio es excelente para los glúteos y el abdomen; de hecho, mantén esta última zona bien apretada o te harás daño en las lumbares.

Elevaciones de pierna con fit ball

Como la pelota nos sirve de base inestable trabajaremos más zonas: los glúteos, el abdomen y hasta los tríceps. Nos apoyamos con ambas manos, manteniendo la espalda bien recta, y elevamos una pierna hasta la alturaa de la cadera; repite 15 veces con cada pierna, descansa y vuelve a hacer la serie 2 veces más. Es muy importante que mantengas firmen la zona abdominal no solo para fortalecerla sino para evitar hacerte daño en la espalda.

Abdominales con fit ball

Un ejercicio muy completo y trabajoso para el abdomen que exigirá concentración y mucho equilibrio, pero que es muy funcional. Colócate con la espalda sobre la fit ball, con ella centrada más o menos entre las escápulas y la cadera. Con los brazos detrás de la nuca y las plantas de los pies apoyadas en el suelo, deberás levantar una pierna doblada hacia el pecho, a la vez que el codo contrario intenta tocar esa rodilla; después, repite con la pierna contraria. ¡Cuidado no te desequilibres! Al principio te costará un poco, así que intenta hacer 10 repeticiones a cada lado, descansa y haz una serie más.

Elevaciones de tronco
Todo un clásico del fitness para hacer casi a diario si buscamos tener un abdomen fuerte y más plano. Pero no por viejo conocido quiere decir que sea fácil hacerlo: debes mantener las rodillas dobladas con las plantas de los pies bien pegadas al suelo; la espalda debe estar también plana sobre el suelo. Colocamos las manos detrás de la nuca con los brazos abiertos o cruzadas sobre el pecho, lo que sea más cómodo, y levantamos el tronco lo justo para que los omóplatos se llevanten. Haz 25 repeticiones a buena velocidad, descansa estirando los brazos por detrás de la cabeza y hazlo 2 veces más.

Elevaciones de tronco laterales
Las abdominales anti muffin top: partimos de la misma posición que en el ejercicio anterior, pero levantamos solo un codo e intentamos que toque la rodilla contraria; después, repite con el otro lado. Repítelo 10 veces en cada flanco, como mínimo, y después haz la serie 2 veces más.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wants To Get Bold Brows Like Cara Delevingne?


Rock bold brows like Cara Delevingne with these tips! 

Aside from recently being named the face of Burberry Body Tender, model Cara Delevingne has two other claims to fame: her famously bold eyebrows. Her embrace of full brows has spawned a trend that has some women contemplating their eyebrow brushes. But if you're reluctant to dust on the pigment for fear of looking perpetually angry at the world, don't fret. Here are some things to keep in mind while doing up your eyebrows:
Stick to powders, not pencils. While pencils have been the mainstay for brows for generations (hello, '80s makeup), powders are easier to handle and create a more natural, feathered look. Grab two colors: one that is a shade lighter than your natural hue for daytime and one that is a tone darker for more drama.

Brush powder on your hairs, not your skin. One common mistake women make is pressing too hard on their brushes and pencils, causing pigment to adhere to their skin. This makes brows look clownish and fake. Use a lighter touch to ensure the pigment coats your hairs, not your skin, and always make sure you're brushing in the direction of the hair's growth. (Pick up a brow kit with multiple hues—mixing and matching colors can make a filled-in brow seem more natural.)

Focus pigment on the outer two thirds of your brows. If putting powder on your brows makes you look clownish, take note of where you're concentrating the color. Brushing powder onto the hairs near the inner corners of your eyes causes brows to look fake. Instead, focus the powder from the beginning of your arch to the end of your brow. Then, using a brow brush, blend the pigment into the inner corner.

Mix your colors. The best way to get a natural look is to blend your shades. Use a darker tone in a thinner line along the center of your brows, then blend a lighter shade out from the center of your brows to the ends.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Best & Worse cosmetics Brands... !

I was .. and i'm still one of those girls, who would love to have the perfect hairs ,like models or the perfect make up like actresses in the movies , or series.
So weeeeeeell !
I've been trying many different make up as well hair care, FROM MANY different brands, so can I assure you that some of them are literally a BIG trash. 
I wanna make it clear that this is my experience you might disagree.

FOOOOoor instance...

after seeing the television ads, of some shampoo which promises you the best for your dry hair and frizzy, I fell in temptation to buy them.

  1. First purchase:

TRESemmé hair products. 
Results, after trying them on my dry DRY very dry hairs, i can give the result of my expierence:

TRaaaASH..! ;) 
just leaves your hair as dry as they are, and further it's expensive. 

2: Herbal Essence and its BIG change....

At the beginnings this brand of shampoos were my favorite , after changing the design, and even substituting , some ingredients and even characteristics, Herbal essence, fell down from the top to the almost 9 on a scale of 10

results.. can be called Traaaaash , but not extreme one. an Half Trash.
they don't have the same hydrating properties as in the beginnings...that's the main failure...
your hair remains dry after a whil, WHERE are those moisturizing H.E. properties!?

as the Herbal essence result, L'oreal promises a lot of great things on hair health , and after trying most of the newest products ,I say my verdict: The biggest lies comes after a magnific television spot. TRaaaASH..! ;) 

Le Petit Marsellais 
I tried the white bottle with Lino flowers, for long and smooth hairs,
it gives freshness and , seems even suavity to your hairs, but after a while they turns frizzy and dry. 
All those promises those tv ads, with the perfect hairs, and when you try it on ....
TRaaaASH..! ;) 

Let's pass to the Acceptable ones ...

besides, I've tried, Garnier Fructis Nutri Repair new bottles, the yellow ones,... Anddddd
my verdict is....!
 knew that Garnier Fructis weren't a very good brand, in the beginnings, but after trying their conditioner, for dry hairs, I can say that they have passed themselves.
It's a good inversion. Tho it's still on the edge of being expensive.
PRO : leaves your hairs soft for a long while
Against: returns your hairs dry if you don't use the whole gama. 
Cost 4€

Yves Rocher Jojoba oil shampoo + conditioner
it's a very expensive one, tho it worth it. It loose the breads, and it's paraben free. which is good , tho , You have to use the gama to release all the properties on your hairs. 
I've tried, the Jojoba one, and the shampoo itself set your hairs smooth, after dry them , but the main problem is that i hate that after a while my hairs turns frizzy once again ! That's what I hate the most. Spending money seeing that it might doesn't really worth it. 
Cost 6.90€ (each)

Schlecker shampoo and conditioners
I've tried them after being skeptical for the low cost. I thought. uhmm these ones must be another big lie. BUT ! i've bought one, the pink one AS hair care Fruit N' Flower, exactly, and big surprise!, my hairs back to smooth and soft and very perfumed. I'm in love so now...

I use the shampoo from Yves Rocher and Schlecker conditioner.


I don't have doubts, I buy every make up in Schleckers' shops, the line BASIC and ESSENCE are the best in make up things
Low cost and amazing colors and with quality


How to makeup brown eyes :

it's not difficult to makeup brown eyes,
VERY IMPORTANT ( though it doesn't seems, it's the eyebrow shape to stand out your glance, so DON'T shave your eyebrows making them a thin ones, instead of it, make them thicker with an eyelids shadows or special brow pencils to get them bigger and thicker(this trick is great if you got thin eyebrow and if you want to get a feline, sensual glance).

Just check out this tutorial video.


makeup used:

MAC Eyeshadows in Soba and Embark
Stila Kajal Eyeliner in Onyx
Diorshow Iconic Mascara
Red Cherry Lashes #523
Lash Royalty lashes in "Luxe 1" (the lashes were already glued together)

Bdellium Tools 776
Smashbox Eyeshadow Brush
Bdellium Tools 714
Bdellium Tools 780

[personally I makeup my eyes with brown colors, and purples tones, even red to get a deeper & clearer iris color effect and even a bit dramatic like a vampire. My eyes color is like a brown-amber]

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Cutting your hair takes a certain amount of courage. But once you’re over the hand-wringing, a short crop can sharpen your whole look, bringing definition to your cheekbones and showing off the curve of your neck, which you never noticed hiding under all those layers. (Added benefit: your blow-out will take .5 seconds). 

Rihanna’s Choppy Lob 

Why we love it: This “lob” (i.e. long bob) strikes the perfect balance between wild and tame. The flippy, uneven ends around the face add body and movement, while the clean, simple lines on the sides and back lend control to the look. Flaming red color optional.

Evan Rachel Wood’s Nouveau Mohawk

Why we love it: With its closely shorn sides and voluminous top, this cut owes a lot to the Mohawk. While it’s slightly less punk than its predecessor, it works on any hair texture, especially wavy since the ends will curl up on their own.

Alexa Chung’s Asymmetrical Bob

Why we love it: It’s intentionally imperfect—the jagged lines add a quirky feel to an otherwise playing-it-safe bob. All that’s needed for styling is a quick run-through with your hands, and a little messy frizz is welcome, too.

Emma Watson’s Sleek Straight Cut

Why we love it: It’s stark and chic with hard lines—definitely a bold look that’s not for those who hide behind their hair. Consider how you want to wear the cut before you’re in the salon gown. For example, if you plan on tucking the front pieces behind your ear, like Emma does here, the length of the ends needs to reach your nose.

Keira Knightley’s Geometric Bob

Why we love it: With its crisp, sharp lines, this graduated bob can be tailored to your features. Ask for your stylist to cut it longer in front than at the back to slim a square or round face or request a softer angle to add fullness to narrow or oval face.

Ginnifer Goodwin’s Oblong Pixie

Why we love it: The underside of this pixie is actually shaved—a trend that’s still going strong from last summer—while the top is left long and wispy. For those who think short hair is boring, all you need is some gel or mousse to realize you can take this cut in endless directions—messy, slick, tousled, you name it.

Scarlett Johansson’s Breezy Cut

Why we love it: This cut disproves the rule that if you have thick or curly hair you can’t go short. The key is to keep the length at least to the chin level and cut the ends with a razor to control the volume. Then toss the brush—it’s better to finger comb hair to lend a piece-y quality that resists any pouf.

Carey Mulligan's Layered Bob

Why we love it: Whether slicked back or brushed forward, this tiered bob has amazing body and shape to it. Ask your stylist to incorporate layers that hit at various points—at the nape, cheekbones, and then around the eyes.

Michelle William’s Definitive Pixie

Why we love it: What’s not to love? Williams paved the way for the modern pixie when she lobbed off her hair. The texture is what keeps it from looking vintage. Ask your stylist to cut hair shorter around the face and longer toward the nape.

Arizona’s Graduated Bob

Why we love it: It’s striking enough to actually steal attention away from Arizona’s famously thick brows. The appeal is all about the bounce, which is achieved by having some pieces cut straight across while others snipped on a diagonal.

Monday, September 9, 2013

How To Lose weight ?

How to lose weight Sponsored

More than one-third of adults in the United States are obese. In fact, the furor over obesity, which some have termed an “epidemic,” has reached such proportions that one big-city mayor has gone about banning large-sized, sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a crusade to control the dietary offerings in public schools.
Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obese are still overweight, and a large percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight.
Shedding pounds largely comes down to the two-pronged factors of diet and exercise. Not modifying the first one enough, and not getting enough of the second one, ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight. 
Conditions related to obesity include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Counseling someone to eat less and exercise more might be the simplest advice possible, but it’s also, partially, an oversimplification. When it comes to diet, no one needs to starve themselves in order to lose weight. It has more to do with the types of food you eat than how much you eat.
Reduce the amount of red meat in your diet. If you don’t want to eliminate red meat altogether, choose cuts of meat with less fat content. Limit your intake of salt and starches. If you’ve got to have potato chips alongside your sandwich at lunch, opt for the baked potato chips that are less greasy and contain less fat than the deep-fried chips. You might find you’re really not sacrificing that much in terms of taste.
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, egg whites, skinless poultry, fish and nonfat dairy products will certainly aid in the mission of losing weight. Drink more water and less sugary drinks. If you have to have a soda, a diet soda is a better option, but seltzer is an even better choice than that.
In terms of exercise, it’s important—if not always easy—to make sure you get at least some physical activity each and every day. Cardio and strength training burn lots of calories. If your feet or your stamina level won’t allow for a regular jogging regimen, then make sure you take lots of walks. Next time you need to mail a letter, walk to the mailbox instead of driving. Try to work in a daily walk in your neighborhood. And if you intend on more rigorous, formal exercising at the gym or fitness center, be sure to pace yourself and don’t build up to an overly ambitious workout agenda too quickly.
There are thousands of diet fads among us.  However, sometimes the best advice is common sense.  Work towards a healthy diet and integrate regular exercise.  You would be surprised at the results small changes can make.